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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 7, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EST

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captioning funded by cbs good morning, it is wednesday, november 7th, 201. welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama wins big, telling americans "the best is yet to come." governor mitt romney says "i pray the president will be successful." the democrats tighten their control of the senate, while the house stays in republican hands. and a major new storm forces evacuations along the east coast. but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> and we know in our heart that for the united states of america, the best is yet to come.
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>> the voters speak, huge victory for president obama. >> all the key battleground states including ohio. >> we are not as divided as our politics suggest. we were made more than a collection of red states and blue states. we are and forever will be the united states of america. >> reporter: the crowd here in chicago is going bananas. >> reporter: there is a sense of deflate and defeat in this room. >> i still wish i could lead the country in a different direction but the nation shows another leader. >> the president has been reelected but nobody's put a stamp of approval on his program. >> the republicans have maintained control of the house of representatives, and democrat also still be in charge of the senate. >> it's now whether president obama decides to come into office, use his victory as an opportunity to make compromises with republicans. >> apparently all you have to do is show up in a nice suit, give free health care, save the auto industry and kill bin laden and
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that old girl will put out. >> the senate battle in massachusetts, elizabeth warren beat incumbent republican scott brown. >> wisconsin, tammy baldwin has become the first openly gay candidate to win a u.s. senate seat. >> percent certainty? >> 99.95%. >> we have to be careful about calling things, i'd be cautious about intruding in this process. >> well, folks -- >> hold on. >> i worked for the guy that balanced the budget. you came in and squandered it and now you're complaining to me? >> it's never too early to talk about the next one. right? >> and you know that somebody's planning it. >> two years, $3 billion and we are clearly in the same [ bleep ] place we were when it started.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." america wakes up this morning almost exactly where we were four years ago. president barack obama wins a second term, republicans hold the house, and democrats control the senate. we begin with the white house president obama defeated governor mitt romney by a narrow but decisive margin, as many experts predicted it was ohio that put the president over the top late last night. >> cbs news estimates mr. obama has won 303 electoral votes to 206 for mitt romney. florida is still too close to call. as predicted the popular vote is much closer, about 50% of americans voted for the president while 48% chose romney. we have complete election coverage this morning beginning with nancy cordes in chicago. she covered president obama's victory speech which was just a few hours ago. nancy good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, norah and charlie. the race ended up just about where the obama campaign had been predicting.
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they swept nearly all the battleground states so they won many of them by razor thin margin. the president returned to washington today to begin the hard work of repairing frayed relationships with the other side, after a bruising often petty campaign. it was well after midnight when the president, vice president and their families hugged and waved to supporters from the stage at mccormick place, after president obama declared victory. >> tonight more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. >> this is a cbs news special report. >> reporter: in the end the popular vote was close, reflecting a deeply divided nation. >> the president has about 1 million more votes. >> reporter: but the president won an outsized victory in the electoral college by nearly running the table in the nine
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battleground states. >> the state of iowa, cbs news projects will go to president obama. barack obama will be the winner in virginia. cbs news is projecting that president obama has won the state of ohio. >> reporter: a horse but cleaar clearly happy president obama congratulated. >> i look forward to sitting down with governor romney to move this country forward. >> reporter: he tried to heal some of the wounds created by months of harsh accusations, half truths and a billion-dollar barrage of negative aldds. >> our economy is recovering. decade of war is ending. a long campaign is now over.
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and whether i earned your vote or not, i have listened to you. i have learned from you, and you've made me a better president. and with your stories and your struggles, i return to the white house more determined and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the future that lies ahead. >> reporter: and here's what he said lies ahead in a second term of an obama presidency at the top of his agenda, tax reform, immigration reform, energy independence, debt reduction, goals he said are shared by both sides. the president was here at mccormick place until about 2:30 in the morning, celebrating with family and friends, and all of his volunteers and staffers. he's waking up in his own town house this morning, and then he's flying back to the white house on air force one later this afternoon. norah and charlie? >> thank you very much. governor romney waited until after midnight eastern time to
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concede the race. jan crawford is in boston where the republican nominee spoke to his supporters. >> reporter: governor romney waited about an hour to concede after the state of ohio was called for the president. everyone thought it's over but the romney campaign wanted to see some more of the actual votes from some of those suburbs around cincinnati. they didn't want to give up. when colorado was declared for the president, the campaign knew that was it, romney picked up the phone and called the president. >> this election is over, but our principles endure. i believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the only sure guide to aesurgent economy and to renewed greatness. >> reporter: a defeated mitt romney was gracious. >> i believe in america. i believe in the people of america. >> reporter: after running for president for 17 months, his campaign came up empty. >> like so many of you, paul and i have left everything on the
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field. we have given our all to this campaign. >> reporter: there was clear disappointment as the reality of what could have been sank in. >> i also want to thank ann, the love of my life. she would have been a wonderful first lady. >> reporter: almost immediately came the question, what happened? the attack ads hurt. >> this was a booming place and mitt romney and bain capital turned it into a junkyard. >> reporter: critics say romney didn't do enough to counter them and after a strong first debate he wasn't able to keep the momentum going. then came hurricane sandy that took the focus off romney in the final week of the campaign. romney had expected to win. earlier in the day he told reporters he had written only one speech, a victory speech. >> it's about 1,118 words, and i'm sure it will change before i'm finished because i haven't passed it around to my family and friends and advisers to get their reaction. >> reporter: but in the end he delivered a concession speech,
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lasting just five minutes. >> i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader, and so ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation. thank you and god bless america. >> reporter: you could see the sadness in romney as he gave that speech last night. it was a hard-fought campaign and as you said he didn't leave anything on the table. not only was it the end of the campaign after those 17 months on the campaign trail, it also is most likely the end of romney's political life, his wife ann said last night that he will not be running again. charlie and norah? >> jan crawford, thank you. anthony mason, tell us some of the data inside. >> let's start out with women, a group president obama won handily four years ago and won them strongly last night.
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mitt romney made a play for the female vote but president obama's margin held up the same as four years ago, he won 55% of women voters. he also took hispanic voters and what's interesting is his margin increased from four years ago. he took 71% of the hispanic vote, up about four points from 2008 and what's even more important here is that the hispanic vote is actually growing. it was 10% of the electorate this time versus 9% four years ago. now mitt romney did win white voters by 20 poin but in the end that didn't seem to matter too much, neither did the economy. now let's take a look at ohio because the economy actually played to the president's advantage in ohio, that is the state that put them over the top. the auto bailout a big issue here and ohio which has the second most auto related employees after the state of michigan, 60% of the voters in ohio approved of the auto bailout. here's an interesting number. we asked folks about mitt romney's policies and who did they generally favor. 56% said they favored the
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wealthy. if you ask about obama's policies to voters in ohio they said 43% said they favored the middle class, big advantage, because both candidates went very hard after the middle class particularly in the later days of the campaign. finally voters in ohio said when you look at the state of the economy, more said the economy is getting better, 36%. 34% told us they think it's getting worse, 29% said it's staying the same. looking nationally, for all of the important places on the economy, it was the nun one issue, 61% put it at the top, in the end the economy issue was a draw. mitt romney won by one point, 49% to 48% said he'd do a better job on the economy. >>anty mason thank you. democrats are celebrating high profile senate victories. much money spent but not a lot changed when it comes to congress. >> byron pitts, tell us about
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congress. >> the end of the night stayed the same, the republicans needed to pick up four seats to take back control of the senate. at the end of the night there were 52 democrats, one independent, the gold seat, angus king in maine, republicans won 45 states. there's two states to call, north dakota and montana, still counting votes. the senate looks the same as it did before the election. looking at the battleground states there were 12 battleground states and the democrats won 7 of 12, the east coast virtually all blue. the republicans won basically it was two holds in nevada and arizona, again still waiting for results in the senate race in north dakota and montana. the most significant change in the senate last night was the increased number of women. we've reached an historic number of 19 women in the u.s. senate, that includes elizabeth warren who won in massachusetts defeating a moderate republican senator scott murphy.
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in that race, she becomes the first female senator from massachusetts, a former member of the obama administration and harvard professor. in wisconsin, tammy baldwin defeats tommy thompson, she becomes the first female senator from that state and first openly gay u.s. senator. >> byron, what happened in the house? >> well, in the house it was a status quo election there as well. there the republicans retain control of the house of representatives. they got to the magic number to take back the house. currently there are 226 republicans in the house and as you said a lot of money was spent,bout $2.3 billion on congressional races and when it was all over it was about just like it was before the election. >> byron pitts thank you very much. after a long election night, host of "face the nation" bob schieffer, also cbs political news john dickerson and major
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garrett, they were all up late night as was norah. here we have an election. what's next? do you remember last night? it was several hours ago. >> a lot of trouble, that's what's next. and i mean this with no disrespect. barack obama won. he won the battleground states. that's what this was, a battleground states election but i don't think he got what i would call a mandate last night. i don't see a stamp of approval on his program. he still has to face the same congress, face a washington that is totally gridlocked and what happens next? maybe the election will have some impact but i'm going to wait and see. >> why did he win, john? >> he won because he put together two different kinds of coalitions. in virginia and colorado, he did well with minorities, he did well with suburban voter voters. in ohio he did well enough with white voters, he didn't win with
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them but well enough in an old-fashioned democratic coalition in ohio, which is very different than the one he -- for example, just one little example 58% of the white women voted for obama in iowa. he lost them by more than ten points in virginia. what was the difference? he could make up that difference in virginia with minority voters. >> i want to pull back for just a minute because if we look at the general numbers of this with obama with at this point 303 electoral votes, still not called florida and mitt romney with just 206, major, obama won just about every battleground state. florida is still too close to call, north carolina went to romney, but that's about where we were even before the conventions, what the polls showed us. >> it pulled back indiana and north carolina, by far the easiest states for republican to reconsolidate after 2008 and nothing else, not virginia. florida looks problematic, i was talking to florida democrats late last night, miami-dade county still coming in, probably
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an obama state. so his coalition withheld the romney onslaught. there's a month for president obama and then 18 months. every elected president has 18 months before the next candidacy begins. 18 months to transform the country and one month now because of a lame duck and the pendingishing of the sequester, the expiration of the bush tax cuts and the debt ceiling. if he can consolidate a deal and give the country some sense that this election did give him clout, did give him leverage and he knows how to do it in a different legislative way the country may look at this election differently. >> does he go back to washington as a different man because of the lessons learned and the reality he faces from the first four years? >> i've been talking to democrats for two days who were thinking the president might win. he's not going to change who he is, not going to change what he is but he can modestly change how he goes about his business and he'll have a very important month to try to set a different tone and pull people together in a way that he hasn't been able
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to before. >> why, major, should we expect anything, quite frankly, is going to change. all the same people are going back to washington. it's obama, speaker boehner, and harry reid in the senate, and quite frankly in all these exit polls, this election was not an endorsement of president obama's policies. 49% said they wanted obama care repealed. >> on taxes it's one big deal. the president campaigned to raise taxes, the first since before harry truman to win re-election to do that and senate railses were also decided on that metric as well. republicans have to listen to that at some level. bob? >> he won all these battleground states, but he almost lost the popular vote. i mean so people are going to step back and they're going to say, why should i cooperate with him? we talked about this last night, norah, you have a congress with approval rating down there, you know, down there. yes they all got reelected.
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>> will the republican members of congress also look and see that, wow, we lost amongst hispanics, we lost among moderates and independents, those should be areas, that republicans can't continue to win unless they change. >> depends where your self-interest lies. if you're a national republican you think we no longer can win with the game plan we have. we have to find a way to deal with the largest growing minority population, but if you're a house republican and you're worried about getting stuck in a primary, you're not going to vote for a deal that raises taxes or sounds like it's going to raise taxes and so that's the question there and john boehner has to figure out whether he's got enough republicans to put together a deal with the president that won't then get him in trouble. >> let's not forget they're talking about the grand bargain. they had a grand bargain struck with john boehner and he went back up to capitol hill with it and tell them you can find another leader. i have no confidence whatsoever in this congress. i've watched them last year when
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they could not get together and do things that both sides wanted to do. i mean, when you've had the worst drought since the dust bowl in the '30s, you can't figure out how to pass a farm bill? i'm more going to wait and see about all this cooperation. i hope i'm wrong. i hope they find the way but i'm not optimistic. now to a new challenge for superstorm sandy victims expected to be hit with a new storm later today. forecasters say the nor'easter is packing wind gusts of more than 60 miles per hour, could bring more flooding along the shore and several inches of snow. this storm is not expected to be as bad as sandy but could knock down weakened trees and power lines. the storm is expected to affect the east coast
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by big lots, big savings.
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president obama wins the election and now comes the hard part, the so-called fiscal cliff is coming at the end of the year. we'll talk with bob woodward this morning how the president can change his relationship with congress and work out a long-term budget deal. and elizabeth warren makes history, as the first woman elected to the senate from massachusetts. >> i won't just be your senator. i will be your champion. i promise. >> we'll ask warren how she'll move ahead after a bitter and expensive campaign on "cbs this morning." sfla this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by kay
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let's take a look at key cases. the colbert, angus king has won, first seat ever held by a burger king menu item and folks, this is true, this king is an independent. you can say good-bye to bipartisan gridlock and say hello to tripartisan gridlock. >> oh, no, not tripartisan gridlock. >> more than we can handle. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning" on the day after president obama won a second term in office. we mentioned earlier that florida is the only state still undecided this morning. >> most of the votes have been counted there.
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elaine quijano is watching the results in tampa. elaine, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. 9 % of the vote has been counted in florida but it is still not enough to say who won. take a look now at the numbers, with more than 8 million ballots cast, president obama leads mitt romney by just 1%. now, as the ballots were being counted, obama campaign officials i spoke with were optimistic but cautious. the tone, however, really shifted once it became clear that president obama would take hillsborough county, this is an important bellwether here, since 1960 except for one election voters have correctly picked the winning presidential candidate in every election. now campaign officials believe what gave them a critical advantage was their ground operation here in florida. they had 106 offices in the state, that's almost 50 more than they had back in 2008. they focused a lot of their attention on that all important
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i-4 corrid, an area that's home to a lot of independent voters and they also think that their outreach to the hispanic community, an ethnically diverse group in florida was helpful as well. >> i remember saying if obama got 57%, 59% of the hispanic vote in florida, there was no way romney could win. president obama's margin of victory in ohio turned out to be bigger than ohio's 18 electoral votes. dean reynolds is in columbus to show us how he did it. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. well his percentage was down from four years ago but 50-48 last night was plenty to win the electoral votes of ohio, all 18 of them, and the seeds of barack obama's victory were really sown
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about four years ago during his first presidential run when he left in place many staffers, many field offices who really continued to work th state over the next four years, more than 130 field offices across the state. they've dwarfed his opponents footprint. mitt romney had only 39 offices and he shared many of them with the republican national committee. now the president's decision to bail out the auto industry paid big dividends for him. it was a very popular move in a state where one out of every eight jobs is connected to that industry, the fact that the state's jobless rate was at 7% below the national average was another plus for him, and finally, his courtship of the state. he visited 22 times during this year alone, more than any other state in the union. back to you. >> dean reynolds thank you.
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with us now associate editor bob woodward, covered white house politics for 40 years, his latest book is called "the price of politics." good morning, bob. >> good morning. >> that book is about the search for a grand bargain during the first four years of the president's administration. do you believe that because of this election it will be more sier to find a grand bargain? >> well, the real question is kind of the inner obama. how is he going to react to this victory? is he going to be kind of humbled? is there going to be some resentment toward the republicans? as you know, running for president is demeaning in many ways. hundreds of millions of dollars of attack ads, and so we've got this president who is in one of the great learning laboratories, which is what the white house is. is he going to be able to grow
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and expand who he is and reach out to these people and quite frankly make some friends. >> so the grand bargain depends on the president's ability to reach out to the republicans in the house. >> and to the democrats, and to kind of corral nancy pelosi, the democratic leader and harry reid, the senate leader, and say the task here is to define the next stage of what the democratic party is going to be, and it clearly can't be all entitlement spending, all spending forever, all the time. they're going to have to cut spending, and in doing this, he's got to work out some deals with the republicans. it's about making deals and about human relations i think. >> bob, we'll get to the specifics of any kind of deal in a moment, but what about the relationship? i mean, you talked right about this, report about it in your
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book. we still have president obama and still have speaker john boehner. these are the two men where there was a breakdown in trust and why they couldn't come to a deal. how do they repair that relationship? >> they're going to have to work hard at it. catherine graham, the late publisher of "the washington post" used to always say that it's very hard to not like somebody who likes you or seems to like you, and you talk to people on the hill, democrats and republicans, quite frankly, they don't think obama likes them. paul ryan for instance has said openly, "obama does not like us." paul ryan said recently that his longest conversation with nancy pelosi, the democratic leader, was 30 seconds. he's never met harry reid, the senate leader. ryan is going to be a player in all of this, and you've got to get the people together and that's the president's job.
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>> can biden help him on this? >> yes. it's so clear in the first four years that the dealmaking on the hill was done by joe biden time and time again. his relationship with mitch mcconnell, who is the myjority leader, republican leader in the senate, in the white house they called biden the mcconnell whisperer, because he can deal with mcconnell. so that's going to be crucial, and you know, we'll see. will he turn it over, some of it to biden? you can't turn it all over. he's got to lead and define exactly what the democratic party goal is. >> you seem to be putting all the pressure on the president. you've got house republicans who took a very, very adamant stand last time. >> yes, they did, but if you get into the details, which i do in this book, you see that the president overplayed his hand by
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asking for more revenue. the man -- you know, i think one of the big questions in the coming months is going to be the staff at the white house, who is going to be kind of running the show. lot of the people, democrats and republicans, made the point that there was no one under the president kind of as chief operating officer running the show. he's got to have somebody do that. >> bob, one other thing, though, from our exit polls, though. this country is still very divided. i mean on the issue of even repealing the health care law, 26% said expand it. you had almost 50% said repeal it or get rid of it, and then we asked about do you support raising taxes to cut the deficit? 33% said yes. 63% said no. that's the number that republicans are going to hold onto, is that they don't want to raise the taxes. >> well, and of course obama's
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proposal through the campaign was to raise the taxes on the upper brackets. it's what's called the 8% solution. it will only solve, if you did that, 8% of the deficit problem. they have to do something much broader, something much more sweeping. deal is there to be made, and you know, let's hope it happens. it will be the big test for obama. i thought his speech last night was very good. he opened the door. >> reaching out. >> to discussions, yes. >> you seem to be saying it's much more of a human question than a numbers question. thank you, bob. >> good to see you as always. >> thank you. superstorm sandy was bad enough. another storm is targeting the east coast. we'll show you how people are trying to get ready, on "thbs this morning."
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with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. know... demonstrating how we blend the fruits. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices.
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i've seen it on the shores of new jersey and new york, where leaders from every party and level of government have swept aside their differences to help a community rebuild from the wreckage of a terrible storm. >> millions of people are hard-hit by superstorm sandy are facing another powerful storm this morning. this one say nor'easter that's moving up the east coast and some coastal areas have been told to evacuate yet again. ben tracy is in one of those areas in brick, new jersey. ben, good morning. >> reporter: norah, good morning to you. they're calling this the sucker punch storm and this part of the jersey shore is basically deserted. here in brick township they have more waterfront property than any other town in new jersey and the fear is that when these storm surge comes with this storm the areas could flood once
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again, once this nor'easter hits the shore. >> we hope they'll heed the morning. >> reporter: mayor stephen acropolis issued a mandatory evacuation for low-lying neighborhoods near the shore. >> if you don't realize what mother nature can do now, i don't think you're ever going to realize it. >> reporter: greg does. he was rushing to put away what he could while his rose was still cleaning up after hurricane sandy. >> need to get these guys out of here and get all of the stuff back into the garage and we need to get out of here. >> reporter: on the barrier island, school buses were picking up the few remaining holdouts. and frontloaders were working overtime in many neighborhoods. one of the big concerns is all this debris. they've been racing the clock to try to get this stuff out of here so when strong winds come this doesn't turn into a missile. while the coming nor'easter will not be a sandy-style slammer, it could unravel much of the work
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that's been done to restore power to the region. on new york's staten island and long island, thousands are still without electricity. they could get 60-mile-per-hour winds and flash flooding. how concerned are you about this nor'easter? >> we're leaving. we're out of here, not playing any games. >> reporter: back in brick the dilorenzo rode out sandy but is not sticking around this time. their house is no longer a home anyway. >> we have nothing so at this point, we get water damage, just -- >> it's already out. >> it's already old damage. i guess we're more concerned about our mental status. >> reporter: we're just starting to see the first raindrops here as this storm really starts tracking up the coast. the weather here supposed to get pretty bad this afternoon, talking rain, high winds, even potentially snow. this is supposed to be a moderate nor'easter but the question is how much damage it will do now that the sand dunes, sea walls and beaches that normally protect this area are destroyed. norah and charlie?
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>> we now all know how the election turned out, so what did the political parties do to prepare for the next one? that's right, governor jennifer granholm and speaker newt gingrich tell us who both sides are thinking, that's on "cbs this morning." [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet, a better clean doesn't have to take longer.
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and good morning, everybody. it is 8:00 a.m. and welcome back to "cbs this morning." president obama wins big, telling americans that he will search for common ground in the next four years. governor mitt romney made it a close race, but struggled in the end. we're going to look at why he came up short and what this means for the republican party, but first, here's a look at what's happening in the world, and what we've been covering on "cbs this morning." >> we know in our hearts that for the united states of america the best is yet to come.
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>> this race wound up just about where the obama campaign had been predicting. they swept nearly all the battleground states. >> i so wish that i had been able to lead the country in a different direction but the nation chose another leader. >> you can see the sadness in romney as he gave that speech last night. it was a hard-out if campaign and as he said he didn't leave anything on the table. >> he won the battleground state but i don't think he got what i would call a mandate last night. i don't see the stamp of approval on his program. >> does he go back to washington as a different man? >> look, he's not going to change who he is. he's not going to change what he is but he can modestly change how he goes about his business. >> we still have president obama and still have speaker john boehner. how do they repair that relationship? >> here we have an election. what's next? do you remember last night? >> that was several hours ago. >> a long night. >> ladies and gentlemen, let's soak this in. our long national nightmare is over.
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>> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. barack obama promises the best is yet to come, after he was reelected president of the united states, he defeated governor mitt romney after an expensive and bruising campaign. >> this morning, president obama holds a commanding lead in the electoral vote, wning nearly all of the battleground states. one of them florida, still has not been decided. however, the president won just about half of the popular vote. he and governor romney ran neck and neck for most of the election night. >> in his victory speech, president obama told voters in chicago he'll return to washington more determined and more inspired. >> tonight the task of perfecting our union moves forward. america has never been about what can be done for us, it's been about what can be done by us together, through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government.
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that's the principle we were founded on. it doesn't matter whether you're black or white or hispanic or asian or native american or young or old or rich or poor, abled,disabled, gay or straight, you can make it here in america if you're willing to try. we are greater than the sum of our individual vision and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. we are and forever will be the united states of america. and together with your help and god's grace we will continue our journey forward. and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth. thank you, america. god bless you. >> and in his concession speech from boston, governor romney said it's time to come together as well, and he offered words of support for the president. >> this is a time of great
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challenges for america, and i pray that the president will be successful in guiding our nation. the nation as you know is at a critical point, and a time like this, we can't risk partisan bickering and political posturing. our leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the people's work, and we citizens also have to rise to the occasion. i so wish that i had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader, and so ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation. thank you and god bless america. you guys are the best. thank you so much. >> and tuesday's election will bring more women to the united states senate and women's issues had a key role in some of those races. republicans todd akin and richard mourdock lost, criticized heavily about their comments of pregnancy and race. >> linda mcmahon lost for a second time in connecticut but
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next door in massachusetts, elizabeth warren unseated republican senator scott brown last night, one of the most expensive and closely watched congressional races in the country. senator-elect elizabeth warren is here with thus morning, senator-elect >> good morning, has a nice ring to it. >> you are championed for many who are liberal progressives. what do you hope to do, what do you hope to accomplish in washington? >> my job is to go to washington to fight for working families, to fight for america's middle class. that's what people here in massachusetts worked for. it's their race, and it really has been all along. massachusetts is a very grassroots place. lots of people out there who held signs, who knocked on doors, who made this campaign happen over the space of a year,
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and they want me to go there and fight for them. that's what i'm going to do. >> and what is it you think they most want you to accomplish for them? >> you know, i think that what it's really about is that america works again for the middle class, an america that's about making the investments in america that's about expanding opportunity. you know, look at me. i'm the daughter of a maintenance man and a woman who worked the phones at sears, and i ended up as a professor at harvard law school. how's that happen? it happens because we had good public schools, because america invested in its kids when i was growing up, and i think that's the kind of thing people want now. they want to see their opportunities expand, not narrowed, not contract. they work hard. they play by the rules, and they just want a chance to build some security, and a chance to feel like they're adding something a little bit forward for their kids, that their kids are going to have a better shot than they
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did. >> let's talk about you, senator-elect warren. you were described by your constituents as scrappy, that it was a bruising campaign between you and senator brown. what is your message going forward for some people who may feel a little bruised after your campaign? >> well, you know, look, i understand that there was a message for people who voted for senator brown, i think a lot of them were saying you got to be willing to reach across the aisle, and i want them to know, i heard that loud and clear, and it's what i want to do. i don't want to go to washington to be able to say, wow, i'm a senator. i want to go to washington because i want to help get something done, and i want to be there for all the people who count on me, for all the people who really helped build the strong middle in this country, creating opportunities for
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everyone. >> senator-elect, it is an historic day for women in the united states senator. >> it is. >> the record number had been 17 in the united states senate. we might have at least about 19. we're still waiting for a race to be called in north carolina. what does that mean, do you think? should there be more women in the senate in will it matter if there are more women in the senate? >> yes and yes. >> how will it make a difference, do you think? >> you know, it's time. come on. there was still this year a big debate over equal pay for equal work? >> yes. >> no. it's time. it's time. >> senator-elect, do you think there is something that women know about politics that men do not? >> hmm. interesting question. you know, i don't know, but i will say this, a big part of what this race has been about, and you have to be willing to
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just open your heart, this race has really been heart-to-heart across this commonwealth. i can't tell you -- campaigning in many ways has been like going to big family reunions, you know, with pictures and hugs and really so much more about values than about specific policies. people want to know, we're going to be connected because that's what it's supposed to be. that's how government is supposed to work. it's supposed to work from a place that says we do these things together and makes us all better off, makes us all stronger. i believe that. >> from the heart i know you will be tough in the united states senate. you have bun one of the fiercest critics of wall street. senator-elect we will be
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the romney campaign said before the election that he would win. former house speaker newt gingrich and former michigan governor jennifer granholm, we'll ask them what went wrong for the gop. ♪
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i had a little help. this is how to gift. this is sears.
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the republicans came much closer to winning the white house this time, but they still lost. this morning the gop is trying to figure out how the democrats won again. >> with us, former michigan governor jennifer granholm, west of "the war room" on current tv and former house speaker republican presidential candidate newt gingrich, good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> speaker gingrich, what happened? >> well, i'm going to say it bluntly, we were wrong. karl rove, michael barone, dick morris, a whole group of us
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frankly misunderstood what was happening in the country. we thought at 8% unemployment or approximately 8%, with gasoline the price it was, et cetera, that it would be almost impossible for obama to get reelected. he deserves enormous credit. his campaign deserves credit, and the fact is republicans are going to have to do a lot of rethinking at the presidential level. >> about what? the republican party has to change and rethink what? >> well, let me make one more point though. there were two mandates last night. speaker john boehner and the house republicans got reelected in a very substantial way, and i think speaker boehner can claim a mandate fully as much as the president. so the near future of this country, the next year or two is going to be a question of how those two mandates work things out together, not how we assume that obama has a blank check just for his single mandate. i think it's very important and republicans have to start understanding that at the house level, and at the governorship level, we've done very, very well as a party. in the senate it's a mess, and
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in terms of the presidential campaign, i think first of all we have to become a party of inclusion, not outreach. we have to recognize that if you're not going to be competitive with latinos, with african-americans, with native americans, with asian-americans, you're not going to be a successful party. i think that's a big piece of what we have to do and second, i think the president understood the cultural media much, much better than republicans. republicans tend to be very uncomfortable campaigning in the kind of media that many, many younger americans routinely watch and i think as a result there's a huge imbalance of our understanding of how to reach out to the whole country. >> governor granholm, the president won big. he won almost nearly every battleground state, but the national vote was close, and this was hardly a mandate, if you look at what voters say about some of the president's policies. how now does he govern? >> well, i don't know if i agree with you in terms of the president's policies, because poverwhelming victory in the
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electoral college and we know it's a divided country. i agree with half of what the speaker said, and he was very gracious, republicans have to rethink who they are but i don't think it was a mandate for john boehner and the house republicans. i think that, in fact, it's a mandate that the tea party got this rash thrashed. allen west in florida, joe walsh in illinois, who are prominent tea party people, who got swept out of office. i think it is a mandate for compromise. it is a mandate for people coming together, and that's very good news, but i certainly don't think, norah, that it means the people rejected the president's plan. i think it is an affirmation of what he campaigned on. >> and mr. speaker, let me ask you about that. what does this mean for the republican party? i mean the hispanic vote which is the fastest growing part of the electorate, obama won 71%.
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mitt romney only captured 27%. that's less than john mccain. you acknowledge you've talked about this, your party can't win unless you do better among hispanics. are republicans going to have to back an immigration bill? >> i think republicans are going to have to listen very carefully to the people, like senator marco rubio, former governor jeb bush, current governor of new mexico, susanna martinez. there's going to have to be a serious understanding that the republican party has to understand the fastest growing part of the american population has to be open to and listening to people who are going to be a major part of our future, and unless we do that, we're going to be a minority party. i don't think that means you automatically have to embrace every new idea that president obama sends up to capitol hill, but i think you do have to have an attitude towards the latino population, not necessarily towards the president, that is much, much more inclusive than it has been in the past.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker, thank you, governor granholm. >> we'll have you both back. president obama lost millions of votes from 2008 but he held on to enough to win. republican strategist frank luntz will show us who voted for the president and why. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by international delight coffee creamers. what's your i.d.? begin.
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tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8.
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as he did four years ago president obama carried the battleground state of virginia, it was a republican stronghold for many years. >> we're going to ask that state's republican governor, bob mcdonnell, about the president's narrow victory, ahead on "cbs this morning." your local news is next. is
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john, tonight's results caused a seismic shift in what we're forecasting for the 2016 election. >> uh-huh. >> the real winner tonight looks to be hillary clinton, who nate silver is now projecting at 68% chance of victory over jeb bush. >> i think we at least examine some vice presidential options. tonight mitt romney received very little minority support. we're talking jimmy buffett concert levels. >> what about hillary as vice president? >> she'll need to reach older white male voters, so the two leading v.p. contenders are a 1962 chevy impala and a can of beer. >> all right, welcome back to
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"cbs this morning." we told you earlier that president obama won re-election by winning nearly all of the battleground states. >> that includes virginia, where republicans thought mitt romney had a very good chance of winning. with us now is virginia republican governor bob mcdonnell. governor, good morning. >> hi, charlie, norah, gayle, good morning. >> what does this say about virginia? >> it says we've still got work to do. the president ran a very good campaign, tremendous effort on the ground to get out favorable voters. it was a lot closer than four years ago where he won by seven, this year it was about two and a half but you have to hand it to them, their organization was very, very good and in tough economic times, to get reelected, i think was a great effort on his part, and now we've got to find ways with a divided congress to be able to work together to solve some big problems but it was a good night for the president and obviously we're disappointed. >> as you were watching the returns coming in last night,
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governor, when did you realize it was probably not going to go your way and what'd you think? >> well, it was pretty late in the night. it was an historic turnout. democracy is alive and well in virginia. we had several areas that the voting turnout was 75% or 80%, so we had people in line at 9:00 who had, even though the polls closed at 7:00, we were still voting at 9:00 or 9:30, so that's a good thing for our country, that so many people care about the outcome but i think about 10:00, we saw it was still out, it was going to be tough for governor romney to overcome the margin especially in some areas in northern virginia, but a very good ground game once again, by the president, that i think made the difference. we were about even going into it. thought we'd matched him in the ground game but obviously they did a better job. >> one of the lessons we learned last night is that the republican party has some work to do when it comes to hispanic voters and women.
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what do you think needs to be done? how do you change that picture? >> well, first i would note in virginia, we won eight out of the 11 congressional seats for the republican team. so at the congressional level, we're doing well, and nationwide, now, we have at least 30 out of the 50 republican governors, maybe 31, 32, we're still waiting for montana and washington, so there were some bright spots for the republican team in virginia and nationwide, but your point is still correct, we're going to digest this over time. we have a very good message i think for people of all stripes of men, women of all races, religions, about entrepreneurship and small business and opportunity. what we got to do is find ways to appeal even that much better to those folks before the election starts and tell them why our message is better. we obviously didn't do it that well in the battleground states this time and we're going to find a way to do that much
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better because i think we believe in our cause and we think it's right for america. we just didn't do a very good job. >> governor you talked about there was record turnout in virginia, very strong, but governor romney only got 18,000 more votes than john mccain. he needed a much stronger turnout in order to win. what happened? >> the president got more votes, did a better job on the ground. >> i guess, governor -- to follow on that, we were told repeatedly by republicans and the romney team not to believe the polls because the screen was wrong, there wasn't going to be that split but this does look very much like the 2008 electorate and governor romney needed to way outperform john mccain and republicans said no problem, that will be easy, but in fact, he didn't outperform him that much. so i'm asking, how did that occur? >> you're right. well, as i said, the president won by seven points in '08. this year he won by two and a
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half, less than half the margin, so it is certainly closer. we really did believe that if it was even on election day, which it was in most of the major polls, that we would have at least an even ground game, and the enthusiasm gap looked bet are for us. that turned out not to be true and once again i credit the president for mobilizing his base, for those independent voters. he just did a better job doing that. we really thought with the economy -- >> thank you. >> -- in such tough straights people would break for governor romney at the end. doesn't look like that happened so we have work to do to refine our message. >> governor, thank you. thank you very much. good to have you on the program this morning. >> thank you. we have political analyst and republican strategist frank luntz, he'd been with us throughout the campaign. >> good morning. >> i want to pick up on what the governor said, republicans did well in house races and gubernatorial races but not at the presidential level. what does that say? >> well, if you take a close
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look, there's specific segments of the population the gop cannot do this badly and expect to win in the future. let's start with hispanics. traditionally republicans get about 35% of the vote. when you're getting in the mid-20s among hispanics and latinos that, means you're not going to win colorado, nevada or even florida as we see this morning. second middle aged women 30 to 49, particularly young moms that was a group that republicans used to bring over once they got married and had their first child. not last night. >> frank, let me interrupt you. the question is republicans this morning are saying look we won at the gubernatorial level and we won at the level of the house of representatives. why there and not at the presidential level? is it a bad candidate? is it what? >> it was a bad campaign on -- let's give credit where credit is due. it was a good campaign for barack obama, to come after mitt romney in the most important state in america, ohio, with advertising that was the most effective of the entire
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campaign. i've shown those ads on your show. second is mitt romney's inability or unwillingness to campaign to respond to those attacks. charlie, there's a certain rule of politics. when you are attacked you must respond and if you do not, voter also think that you are guilty and that's exactly what happened in ohio, wisconsin, virginia, colorado. obama was masterful at spending the right amount of money in the right states, and it worked for him last night. remember, barack obama only beat mitt romney by 2% of the votes, and yet he won a much bigger electoral college. that says it was a good campaign. >> so do you think, frank, the republican party needs to change? >> i think the party needs to reexamine, not just where it stands, but how it communicates those positions, and i think it really does need to be honest with itself that with high unemployment rate w high poverty, with the economy that is not strong, if you lose this election, what elections are you going to win? >> frank, as a reporter, we talked to both sides, and we
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asked them for their best information what was going on. this was a weird election because both sides were so insistent they were absolutely right about the polling and you know, elections then settle things. how can there be so two different realities. >> the reality we were getting in the published polls, real clear politics cbs polling it turned out to be correct. >> the polling was correct. >> the polling was correct. the internal polling within the romney campaign, and the things that i was saying did not jive with what the romney campaign and the republicans were saying. they need to look at their turnout model. they need to look at how you define a likely voter, and they need to understand that all americans need to be included in this, not just the people that it deems to be important. the american people want an election with 100% of the people counted, not just these most likely voters. the polling community looks good today. the republican community doesn't. >> a lot of lessons to be learned. thank you, frank luntz.
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we'll see you later. >> thank you. the world is taking note of president obama's re-election. we'll hear what leaders of other countries are saying
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american presidential elections are always watched very closely around the world. this morning, world leaders and others are weighing in and the stock markets are also reacting overseas. charlie dagata is in london with that part of the story. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, gayle. the reacts are reacting by not very much reacting at all which is a positive sign considering the fragile economy here. president obama led in most popular opinion polls throughout europe ahead of these elections and an obama victory is something that investors were clearly banking on. >> fox news, stop barack obama.
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: no election in the world gets the same kind of coverage as the u.s. presidential election. >> here on sky news we are now calling the election for -- >> [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: and this isn't prime time, this is the middle of the night. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: maybe predictably the victory was heralded with less fan fair in iran with just a ticker at the bottom of the screen, also predictably world leaders were quick to congratulate the president, including british prime minister david cameron. he's visiting jordan to discuss the crisis in neighboring syria, the worsening civil war challenging both leaders. >> congratulations to barack. i enjoy working with him. i think he's a very successful american president and i look forward to working with him in the future. >> reporter: across global markets, there was a collective sigh of relief where nervous analysts were scanning screens
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to make sense of a different kind of red and blue. >> we had a move up yesterday in u.s. markets and in late trading in london, sort of anticipating his win and a general mood of confidence this morning really all around the world. >> reporter: it's not just the economy. no change of leadership in the white house means no change of plans for now, with the planned drawdown of u.s. troops in afghanistan. other international reaction has been largely positive, if not positively glowing. afghan president hamid karzai said simply he hoped the relations between afghanistan and the u.s. could be further expanded. >> charlie dagata, thanks. it's always interesting to see how we're perceived by others around the world. >> it is and how interested they are in our elections and how david cameron called him "barack." >> and to hear election results in a variety of languages. >> yes. old friends after four years. how did president obama pull off this victory? this morning we'll ask the president's senior campaign
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adviser anita dunn and republican strategist rick davis about that, they're joining us next on "cbs this morning."
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as president obama looks ahead to his second term, we want to focus again on why he won and what happens next for both political parties. >> with us now anita dunn, senior adviser to the obama campaign and republican strategist rick davis, senator john mccain's campaign manager in 2008. good morning. anita dunn, may i begin with this question. you know this president well. is he going to come to washington having learned what lessons from the first four years and what new approach to governing? >> well, thank you for having me
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on this morning, and you know, it was certainly a great night. i think that the president laid out very clearly in this campaign what the choice was about moving forward and building an economy that strengthens the middle class, and really moving everybody forward and last night in his speech i think he made it very clear that he will be reaching out, and that one of the things he wants to do is to move everybody forward in this country, and to bring people together. so i think that's what you will be seeing. >> so what will be different? >> i think that both parties need to take a step back and listen to what the american people said last night, which was we want to continue the progress that's been made, and we want to move forward and we want washington to put our interests first. you know, for instance the house leadership, john boehner, eric cantor and paul ryan all represent states that voted for president obama last night, so clearly there's a lot of momentum and a lot of incentive for people to work together to
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really find answers to the challenges and i think that president obama, who has spent four years reaching out to people, will continue to do that. >> rick, the obama campaign had been working their ground game for the past four years, they say they registered 1.8 million new voters. do you think your party took the ground game seriously enough? >> well first of all, congratulations, anita. i know we don't hear that enough. >> thank you, rick. >> i certainly think it was a hard fought campaign by both and obviously president obama's campaign was exceptionally well run and effective. they won. i think the ground games were exceptional on both sides. there were very few voters who probably didn't get 25 phone calls on the day of the election and i don't think anybody will say gee, i didn't hear enough from these campaigns over the course of the last two years to know whether or not i want to be for or against them. i think the broader question is who are we reaching out to, how many voters outside our base are really being included in those kinds of outreaches and i think
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that will be part of the introspection in the republican party occurring today. >> anita and rick there's a lot of wednesday morning quarterbacking if you will but what are the lessons learned do you think, rick, in particular for the republican party? >> i think frank luntz summed up a number of very good lessons learned and i think it's important that we talk about that as a party as we go forward and that is outreach to minorities. it's not just hispanics. it's african-americans, asian-americans. we have left out a large coalition of voters in the past who haven't been a part of our national coalition. >> did the party not know that before, rick? did the party not know that before? >> sure. i think it's a learning curve. we've seen a declining rate of hispanic support for national republican candidates over george bush, john mccain and now mitt romney, so it's getting worse, not better and i think it's incumbent upon to us look into that as just one of the many aspects that we need to address. >> rick, some conservatives in the party already saying the
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problem here is they did not nominate a conservative. they nominated somebody who came in under the notion that he was the most electable. >> yeah, you know, look, everybody's going to monday morning quarterback, in this case wednesday, and i think that those are the things sorted out over the near term. i don't think it had to do with ideolo ideology. mitt romney did a good job. he turned out a lot of votes. he did i think as well as our party was going to do in this election, and frankly, the obama folks were better getting their vote out. >> that does it for us, our election coverage continues on most of these cbs stations at the top of the hour. we leave you, let's take a look back at the final days of campaign 2012, when do you that, then we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." >> i return to the white house more determined and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the
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future that lies ahead. >> president barack obama wins a second term. >> they swept nearly all the battleground states by razor thin margins. >> governor romney waited about an hour to concede, after the state of ohio was called for the president. >> we live with democrats and republicans in government at all levels to put the people before the politics. >> much money spent but not a whole lot of change when it comes to congress. >> the republicans retain control of the house of representatives. >> we'll never take it for granted and we will never let you down. >> why should we expect that anything, quite frankly, is going to change? it's all the same people are going back to washington. >> i have no confidence whatsoever in this congress. >> you've got to get the people together and that's the president's job. >> he's not going to change who he is. he's not going to change what he is but he can modestly change how he goes about his business. >> the people are tired of the division. they want unity. >> hopefully the next four years is something to look forward to, and hopefully my vote counts. >> in massachusetts, former
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obama administration official elizabeth warren unseated republican senator scott brown last night. >> it is an historic day for the united states senate, women now have 19. >> republicans have to do a lot of thinking at the presidential level. >> a good night for the president and obviously we're disappointed. >> the nation chose another lead sore ann and i join with you to earnestly pray for him and this great nation. >> we are not as divided as our politics suggest. we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth. thank you, america. god bless you. god bless these united states. -- captions by vitac --
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